Hi everyone! Happy Sunday and welcome to my Sunday Meals of the Week Post! Every Sunday I like to share with you, my lovely readers, all the deliciousness that I have enjoyed for my main meals from over the past seven days! That's seven days of tasty, plus recipes, menu suggestions, etc.
As a single person living on my own cooking can be somewhat of a challenge. Getting to share it with you not only helps to make me accountable for what I eat, but it also inspires me to want to cook meals for myself.
When you are living on your own it can often be a temptation to want to eat frozen dinners or ready meals, open a tin can, etc. I challenge myself each week to cook simple, yet delicious, main meals from scratch, using what I have in the house for the most part.
I do tend to eat out twice a week. On Sunday's I usually have supper at my sister's place. I always include a recipe that you can use to recreate this meal. On Wednesday's I usually have dinner out with my father at a local eatery.
Eating out is not necessarily what I want to do, but my father is 92 years old now and I am building precious memories with him. I was away from him for over 20 years, so it is a great blessing for me to be able to spend the time with him now. I also provide a recipe that is similar to whatever it is I have eaten while I am out with dad so you can recreate that for yourself also.
I try to make my meals, somewhat healthy (I am not perfect) and I try to keep them within my limited budget. As a Senior on a fixed income, this is really important to me. I also try to make my meals interesting and never boring. At least I find that they are never boring.
This is only my main meal of the day, which I tend to eat in the early afternoon. For breakfast I will usually have a protein shake or some granola and yogurt (homemade granola) and sometimes a squirt of date syrup. Sometimes I will have leftover pizza. That's a real treat and I am usually not very hungry for the rest of the day!
I end my days eating very lightly. I try to finish up all of my eating by 7 pm at the latest. In the evenings I will have toast, or fruit, or a salad, sometimes a bowl of cereal and on rare occasions a sandwich, depending on how hungry I am. If I have eaten with other people I will eat my main meal in the evening, but its not something I really like to do. I hate going to bed with a lot of food laying on my stomach.
Anyways, without waffling on any longer, here are my meals that I enjoyed over the past seven days. I hope that you will be inspired to at least want to cook a few of them for yourself!
SUNDAY, March 2nd - Family Dinner at my sister's
The weather finally relented enough that I was able to get to my sister's place for dinner on Sunday. I had not been able to go for several weeks due to snow, ice, etc. My sister had prepared a hearty Lentil & Bacon Potage which was absolutely fabulous. Best lentil soup I had ever eaten. So delicious that I had to make it again for myself at home during the week. If you make this, you are going to fall in love. It's that simple.
We enjoyed this along with some sourdough bread, butter and for dessert, Pineapple in coconut water with some whipped cream on top. Dinner was fabulous but being with family was the best part.
MONDAY, March 3rd - Chicken Pot Pie
I adore pot pies and chicken pot pie is one of my favorites. I made some individual chicken pot pies so that I could have some in the freezer. These have a lovely butter and lard pastry and a delicious chicken and vegetable filling in a creamy gravy. So delicious. I enjoyed this along with a salad.
I had four pot pies, three to pop into the freezer for a later date and some extra pie crusts to pop into the freezer as well. Win/win all around!
TUESDAY, March 4th - Classic BLT Sandwich
On Tuesday I actually made the soup recipe that I had enjoyed at my sister's on Sunday for my dinner. Yes, it was that good that I had to make it again. Instead of sharing that I am sharing the delicious sandwich I had for my lupper (lunch/supper). A Classic BLT.
You cannot beat the Classic BLT Sandwich. Toasted bread, crisp lettuce, crisp smoky bacon, sliced ripe tomatoes and good old Hellman's mayo. This went down a real treat and was a treat actually as I only ever rarely have bacon. Twice in one day. Yahoo! (I needed to use up the bacon left from making the soup.)
WEDNESDAY, March 5th - Dinner out with Dad and Hazel
On Wednesday I went out to dinner with my father and his friend Hazel. We went to the Big Scoop as always. My sister did not join us. I didn't want to have anything deep fried and so I settled on the small eater's Turkey Dinner. It came with a roll and coleslaw and had a mix of white and dark turkey, two vegetables, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy. Oh, and cranberry sauce. I always enjoy this meal.
In its place I am sharing my recipe for Roasted Split Turkey Breast for Two. You cannot go wrong. Perfectly cooked, tender juice and ready to serve with your own favorite side dishes. Sized for two people.
THURSDAY, March 6th - Lasagna Roll Ups
I cooked a small batch of Lasagna Roll Ups based on a recipe that I adapted from Natasha's Kitchen. If you are looking for a full batch do check out her recipe. My adaptation made four roll ups, which was enough to enjoy on the day for myself and then another serving to freeze. The recipe feeds two people generously.
They are rich and delicious, and don't slide all over the plate like regular lasagna. Everything is compact in a nice neat little package. I enjoyed with some crusty bread and a salad on the side.
FRIDAY, March 7th - Crispy Coated Honey Mustard Baked Salmon Filets
Delicious meals. I love chicken pot pie, haven't had it for ages as gluten free pastry just isn't the same, I do make my own version and call it chicken pot pie without the pie, and use Alymer's gluten free cream of chicken soup, good but not quite the same. We do enjoy Tacos as I can control what goes into them, plus tacos cnn be gluten free. Have a lovely week.