Meals of the Week, March 23rd to 29th, 2025

Sunday, 30 March 2025


Meals of the Week, March 23rd to 29th, 2025

Hello everyone and welcome to my regular Sunday Meals of the Week post! Every Sunday I like to share with you, my dear readers, all of the deliciousness that I have enjoyed for my main meals over the past seven days.  This is something which I enjoy doing and that I hope will inspire you as well.  Everyone needs a bit of inspiration every now and then. We can all get into cooking and meal ruts, so it's nice to be able to share!

As an older woman, living on my own for the first time in my life, cooking for myself can sometimes present a bit of a challenge. I have gone from cooking for a large family of seven to cooking for two and now to cooking for one. Not having someone to enjoy my meals with me makes mealtime a bit of an effort.

The temptation can be there to just eat out of a can or from a frozen dinner/takeaway, etc. I do not want to be that person.  Most of those types of things are loaded with fat, sugar and salt.  For as long as I am capable, I want to cook interesting and nutritious meals for myself.  

I try to keep my meals delicious and exciting, and I try to keep them affordably within a fixed food budget. This is not always easy, but it is doable as you will see. 

This is only my main meals.  I usually eat my main meals around midday, unless I am eating out or at someone else's place.  My breakfasts will be, more often than not, a protein shake that I make from a protein powder which I buy. They have some really delicious flavors these days. My favorite is the Orange Creamsicle. Occasionally I will have something else, but not very often.

My suppers are usually something simple, like a salad or a sandwich.  Sometimes a bowl of cereal, or even toast. Some days all I want is some fruit.  I really like making my own granola and will often enjoy some of that in a bowl with some Greek yogurt and berries. Food fit for the Gods.  It is loaded with nuts and high in fiber, and low in fat and sugar. 

I try not to eat anything after 7 pm due to digestive concerns, but occasionally I will succumb to temptation and have a cookie or some such. (Naughty.)

In any case here are the delicious meals that I enjoyed over the past seven days. I hope that you might be inspired to want to cook and enjoy some of them for yourself also!

Instant Pot Pot Roast

SUNDAY, March 23rd.- Family Dinner at my sister's

I had Sunday dinner at my sister's place, and she had cooked a lovely pot roast in her Instant Pot.  We enjoyed it with potatoes, vegetables and gravy. I always enjoy having dinner at my sister's place with her, my dad and Dan. My sister is a great cook, but it is more than that. It is nice to feel a part of a family and to be able to sit down and break bread together.

I am sharing my recipe for Instant Pot Pot Roast in it's place. No fuss, no muss, with delicious tender results and a fabulous gravy!

Smash Burgers 

MONDAY, March 24th - Dinner out with my Daughter and Son-in-Law

I took my daughter and her husband out for supper on Monday. We had not done it in a while.  We went to the Big Scoop and enjoyed cheeseburgers and chips. Tim had fish and chips.  (He always does, it's his favorite.)  The best part was spending the time together. 

In it's place I am sharing my recipe for Smash Burgers. I guarantee these will be better than the ones we had at the restaurant. It is always hit and miss there.  At least if you prepare them at home you know they are going to be good, and these are fabulously tasty!

Mediterranean Style Marinated Chicken

This is one of my favorite ways to prepare chicken. I always cook extra to enjoy in salads or sandwiches during the week.  Chicken thighs are marinated in a delicious marinade with lush Mediterranean flavors and then grilled on my little counter-top grill. 

They always come out tender, juicy and filled with bags of flavor.  I enjoyed along with some steamed rice and mixed vegetables.  It was a really delicious and healthy meal!

Cheesy Ham and Egg in the Hole

WEDNESDAY, March 26th -  Cheesy Ham & Egg in the Hole

I felt like having a breakfast for supper day and so  I made myself this quick and easy Cheesy Ham & Egg in the Hole, which is a type of hot sandwich.  Thick Texas Toast Bread, with a hollow made in the middle, just large enough to fill with a slice of processed cheese, a slice of ham and a free range egg before baking to golden brown perfection.

I also sprinkled a bit of Parmesan cheese on top prior to baking. This was hearty and filling.  I enjoyed some crisp carrot and celery sticks on the side for a quick and easy supper that was really delicious!  The good thing about these is you can make as many or as few of them as you wish!

I enjoyed one of these with a salad.

Beans on Toast

THURSDAY, March 27th - Beans on Toast

This is another comfort food kind of a meal which is really very simple to make.  I had spent a good lot of the day out with my sister and so did not have a lot of time to cook.  I always loved the way the British like to serve things on toast.  Beans, or tomatoes, or scrambled eggs, or anything really.  They loved things on toast.  And no small wonder because things on toast are really delicious.

I enjoyed beans on toast with a smattering of grated cheese sprinkled on top. I also enjoyed a cheeky side of some raw kraut and pickled beet, just to keep my gut biome ticking over well.

Chicken Tostadas

FRIDAY, March 28th - Chicken Tostadas 

I had some leftover cooked chicken to use up and I had picked up some tostada shells the other week when I was shopping so on this day I whipped myself up a small batch of chicken tostadas.

They were delicious with a base of refried beans, spicy chicken, some salsa, cheese, lettuce, sour cream and spring onion.  With a squeeze of lime juice over top, these were excellent and really enjoyed. I also had some salad on the side. Quick, easy and delicious! 

Four Can Chili

SATURDAY, March 29th - Four Can Chili

My sister and I took my father out with his friend Maryann on Saturday and did a bit of errand running ourselves. I knew I would not have a lot of time to cook when I got home and so I popped some Four Can Chili into the slow cooker before I left. 

This is a simple store cupboard meal. Four simple cans of ingredients are put together in the slow cooker in the most delicious way. Tomatoes, beans, chili (without beans) and two cans of beans, pinto and kidney.  With some seasonings and a few other bits, you end up with a delicious chili that belies the fact of how very easy it is to put together. It also freezes very well, so for myself I get to enjoy a delicious meal on the day and then some to freeze in single sized portions for the future.


I enjoyed a nice big bowl of this with some crackers on the side. It was fabulous! I enjoyed a bowl of ice cream for dessert, a rare treat.

And there you have it, my meal of the week for the second last week of March, 2025. (How did that happen! Time is going too quickly I think!)  I hope you will agree with me when I say that I had a very tasty week indeed! I hope you will be inspired by what I have cooked and enjoyed over the past seven days!

This content (written and photography) is the sole property of The English Kitchen. Any reposting or misuse is not permitted. If you are reading this elsewhere, please know that it is stolen content and you may report it to me at: mariealicejoan at aol dot com 

Thanks for visiting! Do come again!! 

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  1. Love having egg in a hole and beans on toast. Food doesn’t have to be fancy, and we prefer plain and simple.

    1. Thanks very much Linda. The older I get, the more I appreciate the simpler things! xo


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