Meals of the Week, February 23rd to March 1st, 2025

Sunday, 2 March 2025


Meals of the Week, February 23rd to March 1st, 2025

Hello everyone and welcome to my Sunday Meals of the Week post! On Sundays I like to share with you, my dear readers, all of the delicious main meals that I have enjoyed over the past seven days, along with the recipes and menu suggestions.

I am a senior who lives on her own and I am determined to be a senior who cooks for herself on a daily basis. As much as possible I try to cook everything from scratch.  I will not be that person who relies on ready meals, frozen dinners and takeaways for sustenance. They are loaded with fat, sugar and salt. I don't want to eat those things, although I will admittedly have one every now and then. I am always disappointed.

I also try to keep my meals somewhat nutritious and budget friendly. That is becoming more and more important in today's economy where every time you go to the shop's prices seem to have jumped up inordinately.  It's scary to those of us who live on a fixed income. I honestly do not know how families are coping with the rising costs.

What you will see here are the main meals I have enjoyed over the past seven days. I do not include what I have had for breakfast or my lunch/supper. 

My main meals are usually enjoyed in the early afternoon as I do not like going to bed with a lot on my stomach.  I will have a decent breakfast, usually a protein shake, or sometimes some toast or cereal, or a muffin.  Maybe even leftover pizza from time to time. 😂 Yes, I do enjoy lefover pizza for breakfast.

My meals later in the day tend to be much lighter. I will often enjoy a salad, or some fruit. Sometimes a sandwich. On other occasions I will enjoy a bowl of cereal or some toast. I try not to eat anything after 7 pm.

These weekly posts are an opportunity for me to look back on the previous week's meals, which are definitely a challenge for me. To try to keep things healthy, reasonable, without a lot of waste, and within budget, as well as interesting.  I think I am doing pretty good with this challenge.  What do you think?

Thanks for coming along with me!

Crispy Tortilla Eggs

SUNDAY February 23rd -  Crispy Tortilla Eggs

Usually on Sundays I have dinner with my sister, Dan and my father. Unfortunately, the weather made it impossible for me to do so again this week.  I had to content myself with eating at home alone. I made myself some Crispy Tortilla Eggs, which is one of my favorite things!

What you have here is a buttery crisp tortilla topped with a fried egg, cheese and your favorite garnishes. I love these.  I like to garnish mine with sliced spring onions and a squirt of sriracha sauce, and green tabasco.  It is simple to make and quite delicious!

Marry Me Ravioli

MONDAY, February 24th - Marry Me Ravioli

You have probably heard of Marry Me Chicken which is delicious. This takes that same delicious sauce and applies it to chilled ready-made ravioli with incredibly delicious results. Exceptionally good, the sauce is beautifully flavored and simple to make. You can use it with whichever ravioli you want to use.  I used it with a spinach and cheese ravioli and it was excellent.

I enjoyed this with a mixed leaf salad on the side. It was a delicious meal.

Sheet Pan Ham Steak Dinner

TUESDAY, February 25th - Sheet Pan Ham Steak Dinner

I made myself a delicious Sheet Pan Ham Steak Dinner on Tuesday.  I love sheet pan suppers. You cannot beat them for ease of both preparation and clean up.  They go together very quickly and clean up is a breeze.  This was really delicious.  There were roasted potatoes, carrots and swede along with a lovely ham steak glazed and garnished with pineapple and a cherry.  I cooked some broccoli on the side.

This was simple and tasty.  I really enjoyed it.

Iron Skillet Garlic & Brown Sugar Pork Chop

WEDNESDAY, February 26th - Dinner out with Dad

On Wednesday I went out for my usual dinner with my father. We always go to the Big Scoop which is a family style restaurant/diner not too far from where I live.  It has been around for over 50 years and is always very busy.  We celebrated my mother's 80th birthday there and our dad's 90th. 

I had their Grilled Pork Chop Dinner. It is one of the things they make that I really enjoy.  Dad and Hazel (who was also there this week) both had the Grilled Haddock Dinner. We were all happy with our meals.

In its place I am sharing my recipe for Iron Skillet Garlic & Brown Sugar Pork Chop.Delicious, tender and moist. This fabulous recipe makes enough for one person but can easily be multiplied to feed more.  

Butter Chicken Poutine

THURSDAY, February 27th - Butter Chicken Poutine

What you have here is a delicious mish mash of two cultures.  Canadian poutine, which is a dish composed of hot gravy cheese curds and fries, and delicious Indian Butter Chicken.

This was fabulously rich and delicious. The chips were, on this occasion, air fried frozen chips. I used squeakers cheese curds and made my butter chicken from scratch. It was creamy and delicious. I had a simple salad on the side and garnished the poutine with some chopped spring onions. I also enjoyed some mango chutney with it.

Classic Tuna Casserole

FRIDAY, February 28th - Classic Tuna Casserole

I went for Fish for Friday with a Classic Tuna Casserole on Friday.  This tasty dish is everything a good tuna casserole should be and is the tuna casserole I have been making for my family for many, many years.

It is creamy and rich and very simple to make. Undiluted soup, some milk, cheese, seasonings, etc.  Very old school. Very delicious. Unbeatable in my opinion.  You can of course just make a simple white sauce and flavor it with the suggested seasonings.

Add to that some pasta, tuna, peas and a crunchy potato chip topping and this is a casserole that we just love!

Four Can Chili

SATURDAY, March 1st -  Four Can Chili

Four Can Chili is a delicious slow cooker meal that leaves you hands free to get on with other things in your day, knowing that you have a delicious meal on the go.  The slow cooker does all the work. 

This is a simple store cupboard meal. Four simple cans of ingredients are put together in the slow cooker in the most delicious way. Tomatoes, beans, chili (without beans) and two cans of beans, pinto and kidney.  With some seasonings and a few other bits, you end up with a delicious chili that belies the fact of how very easy it is to put together. It also freezes very well, so for myself I get to enjoy a delicious meal on the day and then some to freeze in single sized portions for the future. 

Its great with crackers, but also with crusty bread. It was a great start to the month of March.

And there you have it, my meals of the week for this the last week of February. I hope that there was something here to tempt you to get into the kitchen and start cooking!

Thanks for visiting! Do come again!! 

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  1. Let's hope the weather cooperates and you can get out to the family dinner at Cindy's. At least you were able to get out with your Dad on Wednesday. Love tuna casserole, especially with potato chips on top, which is what my mom always did. Happy cooking this week.

    1. I hope you have had a great cooking week also Linda! Thank you! xo


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