Here we are again, another Sunday and another Meals of the Week post. This one is my first one for the month of June! As most of you know each Sunday I do a post sharing all of the delicious main meals along with their recipes and menu suggestions that I have enjoyed over the past seven days.
That's a whole lot of tasty going on. I like to keep my meals as varied as possible to alleviate boredom. I also try to keep them healthy (with a few exceptions) and economical. Things which we are all watching these days. Our expanding waistlines and our shrinking budgets!
Isn't the cost of food going up, and up and up? Its crazy. I just do not know how family's are managing to make ends meet. I really feel for them at the moment.
Its not easy for an old age pensioner, of which I am, either. We, too, really need to watch our pennies. Add to that the challenge of being in a single person household and you really have a task to conquer.
I am determined to never be that person who relies on canned meals or frozen dinners. Oh, I do use the occasional tin of soup to make a special recipe, but for the most part I like to cook everything I eat from scratch. I downsize most of my recipes these days and wherever possible I share the small batch versions with you.
I think there are a lot of us in the same boat. Cooks who have spent a lifetime of cooking for lots of other people and now find themselves, for whatever reason, cooking for just themselves most of the time.
I never want my dinners to become boring and lackadaisical! I love to eat and I love to cook, and for as long as I am capable of doing so, my goal is to be as exciting in the kitchen as I can be, and I am taking you all along for the ride.
And without any further adieu, here are my Meals of the Week for the past seven days. I think I managed to keep everything pretty tasty, don't you?

SUNDAY, May 26th - Sunday Dinner at my sister's
Most Sundays we all gather together at my sister's place for Sunday Dinner. It is nice to be able to eat together as a family. I really missed family occasions such as this when I was living over in the U.K. so being able to do this is an extra special blessing in my life.
This week my sister cooked a roast chicken dinner with all of the fixings. She makes the best gravy. I could quite happily just eat a plate with a slice of buttered bread and her gravy spooned over top.
This recipe I am showing is for Grandmother's Roast Chicken and Gravy. You just can't beat a delicious roast chicken dinner with stuffing and the works.
We love to have it with roasted potatoes and vegetables and some weeks my sister will make Newfoundland Stuffing, which we also love. You just can't beat a Roast Chicken Dinner with all the trimmings!
MONDAY, May 27th - Meatza Pie
This is a really lovely recipe. You make a simple base of ground meat, cooked rice and an egg. This gets patted into a pie dish and baked for about 20 minutes.
At the end of that time you take it out, spread the top with pizza sauce, cheese and your favorite pizza toppings. Its meatloaf, but not as you know it! This is really delicious and freezes well. I had some in the freezer from another time and so I took it out, thawed it and reheated it gently in the Microwave. I enjoyed it with a tossed salad on the side.
On Tuesday I made myself a dinner salad using some cubed cooked chicken that I had in the refrigerator. I often poach a couple of chicken breasts during the week to use in sandwiches and salads. I used fresh iceberg lettuce I had cut into chunks, then added some diced avocado, boiled egg, cucumber, tomato and red onions. I added some boursin cheese that needed using up as well.
I topped it off with a lush homemade Honey Mustard vinaigrette dressing and turned some stale bread into some tasty garlic croutons. This was very good and very filling, as well as being quite healthy. Plus I was using up what I needed to use up.
WEDNESDAY, February 14th - Dinner out with my sister
Usually on Wednesday nights I go out to dinner with my dad and his friend Hazel. Cindy sometimes comes also. This week my dad and Hazel went to a Chinese place. Neither my sister nor I enjoy that place so we went out to The Big Scoop just on our lonesome. Dinner out for two sisters. You can't beat it!
Cindy ordered fish and chips, which they do fairly well there. Pan grilled Haddock dinner was one of the specials and so I had that. It was not bad. I had mine with mashed potatoes and vegetables. It also came with a roll, coleslaw and tartar sauce. I am sharing my recipe for Pan Fried Cod in it's place. This is my favorite fish recipe. Hand's down. Even more than battered fish. Its delicious!
I was trying to behave and stay away from anything deep fried. We were tempted to get dessert, but we both used our willpower and just said, "NO."
I had a lovely thick country style pork chop that needed using and so I decided to cook it for my dinner on Thursday. I had found a nice recipe on
Bunny's Warm Oven for an oven baking pork chop sauce. It looked delicious so I decided to go with it.
I served it with a baked Japanese Yam and some yellow beans for the win! Very delicious. You can read about my experience cooking this porkchop
here. I really,
really enjoyed it! It was a very nice dinner.
This is a great family friendly and singleton friendly dinner. You create a delicious meat sauce/gravy that is then served spooned over hot white rice and topped with hot peas and cheese. The cheese melts and gets all lovely and gooey from the heat of everything else.
Children love this as do men. I like the simplicity of it and the fact that I can cook all of the meat and then freeze it in single sized portions for me to take out at a future date and have me a quick, easy and delicious supper at the drop of a hat! You know it makes sense!
I really felt like making myself something simple for my supper last night. Omelets are one of my favorite things to make. They are quick and easy to make and very adaptable. You can fill them with whatever you want. I am a person who would much rather enjoy eggs for lunch or supper than for breakfast, and making an omelet is one of my favorite ways to do that.
This one is a simple one, filled with a good cheddar cheese and tasty little cubes of bread sauteed in butter until crisp and golden brown. Delicious doesn't even begin to cover it. Sometimes you can add a slice or two of ripe tomatoes as well. I enjoyed a nice side salad with this and was as happy could be with my supper!
And there you have it. All of the deliciousness which I have cooked and or enjoyed for my main meals over the past seven days. I dare say there is something tasty here for everyone! I know I wasn't complaining about any of it!
Tomorrow night it will be supper at Cindy's as usual. It's Dan's birthday and he has requested Spaghetti and Meatballs! I am making him my Chocolate Buttermilk Cake. He loves it!
Thanks so much for visiting! Do come again!
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Like you, I cook all my own food. It is so much healthier in the long run and I feel it actually works out cheaper. Your pizza looks delicious. Hubby made pizza for his lunch today. I was so tempted to have a piece. Lately I've been having the odd thing with gluten in it and I find as long as I only have a bit now and then I'm fine. Yesterday was a real test for me, as it was grandson's birthday and we had croissants/cheese/fruit for lunch and then the most decadent chocolate birthday cake. I was fine, yahoo!! 👏
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to your grandson Linda! How wonderful that you could celebrate it together and with a decadent chocolate cake! So happy you were able to enjoy some of it as well, without any adverse affects! They do say a little bit of what you like does the soul a lot of good. So maybe a tiny bit now and then is the way to go! xo