Creamed Cabbage

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

I cooked my husband a Roast Beef Dinner for Father's Day at the weekend, with all the trimmings.  Even Yorkshire Puddings.  He was in Man-Food Heaven!   
He loves my roast beef and my Yorkshires!  These are recipes I learnt from my late FIL who was a cook in the Canadian Forces.  As you know an army marches on it's stomach, so as you can imagine he was an excellent cook!

Normally with a Roast Dinner over here they will serve cabbage of some sort, or Brussels sprouts. Usually the crinkle leafed Savoy Cabbage (lower left above).   I never realised there were so many kinds of cabbage until I moved here to the UK. 
 They love their cabbage. In the photo above, going clockwise from the Savoy you will see Sweetheart Cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, Red Cabbage and White Cabbage, which is the type I was used to cooking with from home.

I didn't have any other kind or even any Brussels Sprouts to cook for Todd, just a white cabbage.  It is lovely fried, and in cabbage rolls, or coleslaw  . . .  but it just doesn't shine when it is boiled or steamed.  
Then I realised I had never shown you my favourite recipe for Creamed Cabbage and so I decided to make that as a side dish!  

What this recipe may lack in bells and whistles, it more than makes up for in taste!

Creamed Cabbage might look and sound quite unremarkable, but I can assure you, it is anything BUT unremarkable! 

Its just cold cooked cabbage, mixed with a rich cream sauce, covered with buttered cracker crumbs and baked until bubbling and golden brown. 

This is a lucious twist on  traditional creamed vegetables however.

The cream sauce is rich and flavoured with salt, pepper and nutmeg. 
You could add some hot pepper sauce or dried mustard powder if you want it to have a bit of a bite. 

Taste and make sure you have enough salt.  The cabbage won't be very salty, and it will need the lift.

I know we are not supposed to eat too much salt, and we try not to, but some things just need it I find.  This does.  
Once you have it mixed with the cream sauce, you simply pour it into a buttered baking dish and cover it with buttered cracker crumbs.

Into the oven it goes until it is golden brown . . .  those cracker crumbs all crisp and buttery . . .  and the cabbage and sauce are bubbling away.  
Oh boy, but this is some good.  This is a dish I really love and it makes an excellent side dish for roast dinners!!!

Creamed Cabbage

Yield: 4 - 6
Author: Marie Rayner
This is a good old fashioned dish that we really love.  I love cabbage in any way shape or form, but when you combine it with a delicious creamy sauce and cover it with buttered cracker crumbs, I just think it's the best!  I could eat a big plate of this and nothing else, and in fact I just may have the leftovers for my supper tonight!


  • 2 cups cold cooked cabbage, chopped (About half a medium head of white cabbage)
  • 2 TBS butter
  • 2 TBS plain flour
  • 2 cups hot milk (480ml)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
  • cracker crumbs
  • 2 TBS butter, melted


How to cook Creamed Cabbage

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F/gas mark 4.
  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the flour and cook for one minute. Whisk in the hot milk, whisking continuously, and cooking until the mixture bubbles and thickens. Season with the salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste.
  3. Place the cabbage in a buttered shallow casserole dish. Pour the cream sauce over top, covering it completely. Mix the cracker crumbs together with the melted butter and sprinkle on top.
  4. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes in the heated oven, until bubbling and nicely browned on top. Remove from the oven and allow to sit for a few minutes before serving.
Created using The Recipes Generator

I don't know why I don't make this more often  . . . .  wait . . .  yes I do  . . . its because I could eat the whole thing all by myself!  Yes, I could possibly be that greedy when it comes to things I really like!  Oh, and if anything, this tastes even better the day after!  Oh boy  . . .


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  1. This looks so good Marie, I make this quite often, I was raised on this almost every Sunday, lol, we ate a lot of cabbage, it grew well on our soil and we still grow it!

    1. I love these old fashioned dishes Laurie! This is the food I grew up on! We are much alike in these things! xoxo

  2. I mentioned on IG I have never heard of it..Love cabbage..must be good!

    1. It is just one of those simple dishes that you either love or could leave. We are from the love group! But then, we adore cabbage! xoxo

    2. What type of cracker is used

    3. You can use any kind of cracker you like. I usually use something like Ritz or Tuck. Saltines work well also. xo

  3. I am an aredent follower of your blog from India. If you can help me with how to cold cook a cabbage please.

    1. Hi Ani! There are several ways to cook white cabbage. How I do it for this recipe is to quarter the cabbage and cut out and discard the core. Then cut the remaining cabbage into 1/2 inch wide strips or cubes. (It all depends on whether you want long pieces of cabbage in the finished dish or shorter ones.) Place it into a saucepan of lightly salted water, bring to the boil, then cook on a simmer for a further 8 to 10 minutes and then drain very well. You don't want the cabbage to be really wet when you mix it with the sauce or it will dilute the sauce. I hope this helps! xoxo

  4. Butter to flour ratio for the start is wrong use 2 tbsp of butter instead of one

  5. How much bread crumbs

    1. I just use a handful. You can use as many or as few cracker crumbs as you want for the topping. There is no set amount.

  6. My mom made this all the time. I just love it! My kids are one the fence, but my grand kids love it like I do. Thanks for posting it. :~)

    1. I could eat it every day I love it that much! I am happy that you enjoy it also! xo

  7. I thank my mom for exposing me to creamed cabbage. I could eat a full-on bowl of it a a main course!


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