Thursday 28 March 2019

Strawberry Almond Cream Cheese Danish

When I was living in Canada prior to moving over here I worked at a Canadian Institution called Tim Hortons.  I quite liked my job.  I have always loved working with people and with food. 

During Strawberry season they used to carry a line of Strawberry Cream Cheese Danish that I totally loved.  There is something really wonderful that happens when you combine strawberry filling and puff pastry.

Add a cream cheese filling and you are in taste heaven.  End of story!

I was sitting here looking out at the sunshine today and thinking about my time at Timmies this morning and decided to re-create the flavours of their Strawberry Danish for Todd to enjoy. 

I think I did a pretty good job  . . .  ahem . . .  maybe these are even better.  *blush*

And they only require a few ingredients.  One package of all butter puff pastry.  I use the all butter one because I don't like to use or eat things like palm oil if I can help it, and well, all butter puff pastry just tastes better! 

You simply unroll the pastry and cut it into 8 even rectangles.  Then you lightly score a half inch border all around the edge of the rectangles using a sharp knife.

You will also need 1 free range egg yolk, which is divided.  1/2 of it gets used in the filling and 1/2 gets beaten with a bit of water and brushed around the borders you just created.  You then press flaked almonds into the borders, just lightly so that they will adhere. 

The other half egg yolk gets beaten into some cream cheese, sugar and flavourings.  I use pure flavourings. Almond and Vanilla. 

This gets spooned into the centre of the pastries. It will be a bit runny, but that's okay.  Just don't overfill them and there won't be a problem. You may not need it all, but there shouldn't be a lot leftover. 

After that you want to take the best strawberry jam you can buy. ( I confess, I adore Bonne Maman.)  Just plunk about two teaspoons down the centre of the pastries. Don't be tempted to over-fill.  Hot jam expands.

And that's it.  Bang those babies into the oven and let the magic happen  . . .

Let that pastry puff up and develop all of it's flaky golden layers  . . .

Let those lovely flaked almonds get all golden brown and toasty . . .

Let that rich cream cheese custard bake through . . . . mmmm . . . .

And let that sweet strawberry jam bubble away and get all sticky gooey berry-ish . . .

A flicker of almond icing is the finishing touch . . .  it gilds these lilies to perfection!

Yield: Makes 8

Strawberry Almond Cream Cheese Danish

prep time: cook time: total time:
These wonderfully flaky pastries will have your family reaching for seconds. Quick, easy and delicious! If you have all the elements ready and waiting they go together in a flash.


  • 1 sheet of all butter puff pastry
  • 180g package of cream cheese (4 ounces)
  • 45g sugar (1/4 cup)
  • 1 free range egg yolk, divided
  • 1/4 tsp each pure almond and vanilla extracts
  • strawberry jam
  • flaked almonds
For the glaze:
  • 65g sifted icing sugar (1/2 cup)
  • 1 TBS milk
  • 1/4 tsp almond extract


  1. Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6.  Line a baking tray with baking parchment.
  2. Whisk together 1/2 of the egg yolk (reserve the remainder), the sugar, cream cheese, vanilla and almond extract until smooth.  Set aside.
  3. Unroll your puff pastry. Cut it into 8 equal sized rectangles.  Using the tip of a sharp knife, score lightly about 1/2 inch in around the border of each rectangle, taking care not to cut all the way through.  Transfer to the baking sheet.
  4. Whisk together the remaining egg yolk and an equal amount of water.  Brush the 1/2 inch border around each rectangle with the egg wash and sprinkle with the flaked almonds, pressing them on lightly.
  5. Spoon a portion (about 2 heaped TBS each) of the cream cheese mixture into the centre of each rectangle, spreading it out a bit.  Spoon 2 tsp of strawberry jam into the centre of each on top of the cream cheese.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven for 17 to 20 minutes until puffed and golden brown at the edges.  Remove from the oven.  Scoop off onto wire rack to cool completely.
  7. Whisk together the icing sugar, milk, and almond extract until smooth.  Flick over top of the pastries.  Allow to set before serving.
Created using The Recipes Generator

What more can I say but nummity nummity nummity num num num! Hmmm . . . why oh why do I do this to myself?  So very hard to resist!


  1. They look really delicious Marie.

    1. Thanks so much Jay! They really are! Dangerously so! lol xo

  2. Looks delish. Can I recommend that anyone who whinces at the price of Bon Maman jam try the better quality Aldi or Lidl jams instead. They are certainly up there with Bon Maman and come in pretty jars too.

    1. Those are good also Karen. I always stock up on Bonne Maman when its on offer! Hope you try the bakes! xoxo

  3. Oh, my word. Next on my to-do list. I can't wait to make these. This is going to be so good!

    1. Thanks Katy! You are sure to enjoy these! They are incredibly tasty! And so easy!

  4. They do look great..Never knew you worked for TH's..
    In school we had vending machines..and one thing was a pastry filled with cream and jam.If I bought anything I bought that:)

    1. Ohh, I remember those. Vachon ones! I loved them. I think they were called Flakey's??? Yes, I worked for Tim Hortons for a while after my Divorce prior to moving over here. I had a horrible boss. He was a tyrant and used to have temper tantrums. He threw boxes of cups at me once because he hadn't put enough people on the schedule and I was due to go home after my full shift. That's when I quit! xoxo

  5. Oh dear, they look so deliciously tempting! Perhaps I might try it if we have guests to help eat them as otherwise I might vacuum them all up myself. They really look lovely - as though you've bought them from a professional bakery!

    1. I was really pleased with the way they turned out Marie! I think they would be perfect for when you have guests! xoxo

  6. These sounds really good and look quite easy. They would indeed be perfect for guests!


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