Thursday 18 February 2016

Fried Spaghetti

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We had the elders over for supper the other night and I made a huge pot of my spaghetti bolognese for them to enjoy.  I don't think I am bragging when I say that I make a really great bolognese.  I've had over 35 years to practice and hone my recipe until I now have it down pat and feel confident in saying to you this is the best. 

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The Elders left with enough for them to enjoy another meal of it at home, and I had enough for us to enjoy another meal of it as well.  I always cook plenty extra of this delicious meal.  There is a reason for this . . . 

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 Fried  Spaghetti.   Yep.  Fried Spaghetti.  For years and years I have been making fried spaghetti with my leftover cooked spaghetti and bolognese sauce.  It's delicious.

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My home has always been waste not want not.  I have always tried to use up every scrap of food that I can.  I suppose I get that from my mother. She never wasted anything.  She always made the most beautiful pot pies and soups from leftovers.  In fact we always enjoyed them more than we did the original meal.

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 That is the mark of a good cook don't you think?  When they can make the leftovers taste even better than the original dish.  This simple supper does just that.  You may think it is a bit audacious on my part to share this . . .  but, when something is this good and tasty . . .  not to mention simple . . .  I just have to share it.  One taste and you will be glad I did.

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*Fried Spaghetti*
(servings vary according
to the amount of leftover

This is the reason I always cook extra  Spaghetti Bolognese.  This tasty dish has been a tradition in my family for over 35 years or so! 

You will need:
a quantity of leftover Bolognese Sauce
a quantity of leftover cooked Spaghetti
a knob of butter
freshly ground black pepper to taste
finely grated Parmesan Cheese

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This is so simple.   Mix together the sauce and spaghetti.  You will want roughly equal amounts of each.  Melt the knob of butter in a large skillet.  Add the spaghetti mixture, seasoning generously with black pepper.  Cook, stirring and chopping at it with a wooden spoon to break it up some, until the mixture is heated through and you have some crispy bits.   Serve hot with a tasty sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.

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 Of course any good tomato based sauce begins with great tomatoes, and these are my tomatoes of choice.  Cirio. I regularly use Cirio tinned tomatoes in my cooking.’

 To find out more about Cirio Tomatoes and products do check out the  Cirio Website.

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  1. Hi your surprised to see me comment on here ! But just had to say I had never heard or tasted fried spag..bol....but it looks and I'm sure tastes great, something I must make that's for sure xx

    1. Hi Sybil, a very pleasant surprise I must say! You have to try fried spaghetti. It's a real treat! xo

  2. I bet it's good!
    I bet the elders adore your home cooking.
    I try very hard to be waste not want not also.

    1. They do Monique, and even years later I get messages from them, thanking me for what I cooked for them and how I took care of them. Many come back to visit us. I love it. I have a special place in my heart for all these younguns! xo

  3. Hi Marie,
    I have a variation for you. Heat a little butter in cast iron or oven safe skillet (see optional). Add the spaghetti. Beat an egg or two with a little milk and pour that over top along with a little parmesan. Cook until the egg is nearly set, flip and cook until egg is done. Optional: after adding the egg, add cheddar cheese on top, wait a bit for the bottom to cook on the burner then pop the whole thing under the broiler to finish cooking the egg and brown the cheese.

    1. Kind of like a Spaghetti Frittata Pat! Thanks! Sounds delicious! xo

  4. I love fried spaghetti * cook it exactly the same way! It changes a meal x


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