Thursday 20 May 2010

Five Minute Chocolate Cake

Life is not easy when you are a chocoholic and are married to a man that hates chocolate. I know . . . it just ain't natural is it? Imagine hating chocolate.

He does like chocolate candy and chocolate ice cream and hot chocolate . . . but when it comes to cakes, cookies, brownies, pies or tarts . . . he absolutely hates them with a passion. Sigh . . .

That means I never really get to enjoy these things at home . . . I mean, I love chocolate, but I am not going to eat a whole chocolate cake all by myself as much as I would like to do so!

Here is the perfect solution. A delicious little chocolate cake that can be ready to eat in five minutes. I kid you not. It's the truth!

Do you know how dangerous this recipe is???

It means that I am never any further away than five minutes from pure chocolate indulgence!!!!

I served it up with a nice dollop of Cornish Clotted Cream . . .

Because I could!

It's supposed to serve two people. OOPS!! ☺

*Five Minute Chocolate Cake*
Serves 2
Printable Recipe

A tasty chocolate cake in a mug, just big enough for two. Dense and fudgy and delicious served warm with cream or ice cream. You will need a large mug suitable for use in the microwave.

4 TBS plain flour
4 TBS caster sugar
2 TBS cocoa powder (not drinking chocolate)
1 large egg
3 TBS milk
3 TBS sunflower oil
3 TBS dark chocolate chips
1/4 tsp vanilla

Put the flour, sugar and cocoa powder into the mug. Give it a good stir to mix with a small whisk. Whisk in the milk, oil, egg and vanilla, whisking together until smooth. Stir in the chocolate chips. Place in the microwave (1000 watts) and cook for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes. Don't worry if the cake rises above the top edge of the mug. This is supposed to happen. Remove from the microwave and allow to cool a bit before tipping out onto a plate to eat. Serve warm with some ice cream or cream. Delicious!


  1. tell me more about "cornish clotted cream"....looks very delicious with the cake - a must try!

  2. Oh, my! This looks tooooo yummy, Marie! So, you mean to tell me...I can dream about some chocolate cake...stick a very few ingredients into a mug...heat it up for a few minutes....and EAT IT????!!! (all by myself!) Oh, I hope I don't make one tonight!!!

    You are such a wonderfully enabling friend--I love you to pieces!

    Thanks for adding such joy to my life, dear friend!

  3. Oh my word! I live alone and don't want to make an entire cake just for me. But I think it's safe to say that it's a good thing that I don't currently have measuring spoons at my disposal or I'd make about 5 of them right now! Hah!

  4. Que delicia, oh. Con lo que me gusta el chocolate

  5. Marie, I had sent this to a friend who also has a chocolate hating hubby and she acted as though I had sent her bars of gold!! LOL She was so excited to be able to have chocolate cake by herself!
    xoxo Pattie

  6. Amazing!! I am regretting getting rid of my microwave now Marie! :0) Well done on your peice in The Times - very well deserved, I can't wait to read it. Love Lucie x

  7. I so hate you right now! I finally got rid of my Cake in a Mug recipe that was on the fridge for the past year, and now I'm going to print out your version and put it up there. How is a girl supposed to diet with your yummy chocolate recipes so conveniently easy and delicious?

  8. Oh this will be the death of me-- it's just too easy!! Yum! :-)

  9. Hi Marie,
    Thank you for sharing this yummy recipe!!! My hubby and son love all things chocolate!!! I love it too, but sadly, I cannot eat it. :( I don't use a microwave, so I was wondering if this could be baked in an oven?
    Your photos are fabulous too! The cream looks so yummy with the cake! Glad you enjoyed it! Love, Paula

  10. This really looks extremely delicious!Sounds a little like the lave cake. I was wondering though...does it really not need any baking powder? It looks like it grew wonderfully!
    Also, do you think I could bake it in the oven? I know it would take a little more time but I don't currently own a microwave.

  11. mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhh! Looks full of gooey, chocolatey yumminess!Plus it´s a bonus if it only takes five mins to make!

  12. Hmmm...I'm sure I could spare five minutes to whip one of those together... :D

  13. YUM but I have to say that clotted cream is making me drool even more. I've been wanting to make it for a long time, is it easy?

  14. I have this recipe in my to make folder but am too scared to as I know that once I make it I will know how easy it is then keep making it over and over again! I love the addition of the clotted cream too, gorgeous!

  15. I've recieved this as one of those email forward it on type of messages more than a few times now. I've always dismissed it as nothing more than a silly pass it on email. What a mistake to make! Looks wonderful and I don't blame you for eating the whole thing yourself ;0)

  16. Sherry, Cornish Clotted Cream is a specialty cream produced in Cornwall. Thick and rich and made from unpasturized milk, it has a lovely buttery crust on top. You can make it at home, but it is very labour intensive and you must use unpasturized milk. You heat it in a shallow pan and the cream rises to the top and clots. It's lovely. I am sure though that a dab of mascarpone would be just as fabulous!

  17. Sandra, you can make your own clotted cream, but it's not all that easy. I used to make a mixture of cream cheese and cream that I used and it was lovely. Just fold together equal parts of cream cheese and whipped heavy cream, with a tiny bit of sugar. Yummo! I always used to use that as a base in my fresh strawberry tarts back home!

  18. Glad to see you used a Pampered Chef mug - I make mine in the coffee and more cups and you get a pudding shape to your chocolate cake rather than a tower... tasty either way tho!!! Have you tried the banana one? Although the ginger one is my favourite!!!Delish

  19. I can never understand how there are people who don't love chocolate... i'm sure i could eat 20 of the five minute cakes no problem i'm that much of a chocoholic, and they look so good! perhaps i could provide a service to people who need chocolate lovers in their lives: just bake freely and send me one of the two mini cakes so you don't have to eat both yourself!

  20. What a convenient (and smart!) solution for chocolate cravings. I loved reading your comments for each photo. -- *Kathy*

  21. Oh wow my mouth is watering! If you love chocolate check out this facebook video for the greatest chocolate martini ever:!/video/video.php?v=466500175144

    I found the recipe this weekend on 360 Vodka's facebook page... I was in chocolate heaven!!!

  22. God! You are utterly awful :D
    I hate myself for stumbling on to your blog.
    Arrrrghhhh! This is the worst temptation of my life. You are a serious enabler :D
    Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for sharing these delightful recipes and that too with photographic evidence :)
    Complete chocolate indulgence ensues this long weekend :)

  23. Hey.... This recipes seems soo delicious and easy!
    Thank You soo much for sharing! :)

  24. hi ...made these for friends today...perfect end to a perfect afternoon

  25. Thanks for your comment Maml! There is no reason whatsoever you could not bake this in a regular oven. It will just take longer than five minutes!! I would start checking it at ten! xx


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