Tuesday 9 March 2010

Cherry And Almond Traybake

We arrived home from Chester late this afternoon, after having had a very successful house hunting experience. Whew!

We were so lucky. All the pieces have fallen into place, and at the end of this month we will be moving up there to take up residence in a lovely little 3 bedroom terrace house, with a gorgeously HUGE garden in the back, and a verypretty little garden in the front, with enough parking space for our car, so that it won't have to be parked on the road.

It's all carpeted, freshly painted, well appointed, and the kitchen is quite nice. It is a bit smaller than I have been spoiled with having here in our little cottage, but . . . I will get used to it in time. I now just want it to all be over with, and to be settled in at the other end. Moving is always such a pain, and can be quite stressful. We are trying to be as organized as we can, so that things go as smoothly as possible.

To celebrate our homecoming and our great luck in having found such a fabulous place to live I baked Todd a tasty Cherry and Almond Traybake this evening.

Calling it a Traybake is just a fancy way of saying snacking cake . . . for really that is all that this is.

Moist and tasty and stogged full of glace cherries. Nicely crunchy on the top with toasted almonds and just the hint of lemon in the crumb. This went down a real treat! (I am thinking a sticky lemon glaze would be just perfect on this.)

*Cherry and Almond Traybake*
Makes one 12 by 9 inch cake
Printable Recipe

A delicious snacking cake stogged full of almonds, glace cherries and just the merest hint of lemon. You can use fresh stoned cherries when in season instead of the glace cherries, but you must eat the cake up quickly then, as it will not keep well. NOT a problem!!! (You would need 1 pound of sweet black cherries, stoned)

8 ounces glace cherries (I like to use the natural coloured ones)
10 ounces self raising flour
2 level tsp baking powder
8 ounces softened butter
8 ounces caster sugar
the finely grated zest of 2 lemons
(I use my microplane grater)
1/2 tsp almond extract
1/2 tsp lemon extract
3 ounces ground almonds
5 large eggs
1 ounce flaked almonds
TO finish:
Icing sugar to dust over top

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Butter a 12 by 9 inch tray bake tin, and line the base with parchment paper. (You may also use a roasting tin of the same size)

Cut the cherries into quarters. Place in a sieve and rinse well under running water. Drain and then dry well with some paper towels. Set aside.

Measure all the remaining cake ingredients, except for the flaked almonds into a large bowl. Beat with an electric whisk for about 2 minutes, until mixed thoroughly. Fold in the well dried cherries. Spread in the prepared pan, leveling it off evenly and then sprinkle the flaked almonds evenly over top.

Bake for 40 minutes, until the cake has shrunk from the sides of the tin and springs back when lightly touched in the centre. Leave to cool in the tin. Once cool, dust with icing sugar and then cut into squares to serve.


  1. Oh, good! The world is right again--Marie is back in the kitchen!!! Missed visiting you every day, my friend! So glad you found a home to your liking--can't wait to see some pictures! Hope everything else went well, and that you'll not have too much trouble with moving preparations--I know it can be tough!

    This looks delicious--I'll have to try it soon! Just happy you're back...it feels much better to end my day with a visit to my friend Marie--wherever she lives in beautiful old England!

    Much love and hugs sent your way tonight!

  2. Marie, I am happy for you as I know how stressful moving can be. Finding your home is a huge weight lifted. Congratulations. I'm sure you will greatly enjoy that lovely garden.
    The cake looks delicious- I will save the recipe for when my friend arrives for her visit
    xoxo Pattie and Allie

  3. SUPER-YUM is the cake, Marie... and so happy there is much to celebrate! Will eagerly look forward to more new soon. So happy have you back in blogland--you were much missed, my friend--LOVE YOU HEAPS! :o) ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Well I never Marie.Why didn't I do my commenting first thing today.I have just made cherry scones and almond tarts this morning( I felt like a baking morning today).If I had come here first I could have made your delish recipe.Not to worry theres always another day for this one.So Happy to read over on your other Blog about you New Home,I am delighted for you and Todd.You will soon be all sorted and looking back with no regrets I can feel it.Have a lovely day.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  5. Marie, I feel your pain. I am also moving house in less than 2 weeks and I just can't wait for it to be all over with. Congrats on finding a nice house and good luck with the move!

    My hubby would love this traybake, cherry and almond are one of his faourite combos.


  6. Todd is a lucky man...that looks wonderful and I could have that with a cuppa tea. That is wonderful news about your new home. Sounds lovely, particularly the garden.

  7. Yum! So glad to hear you've found a nice place to live, it sounds perfect. Hope the move won't be too much of a hassle, and that everything goes smoothly. We'll be thinking of you!! xoxo

  8. I never heard the term traybake; it looks really good as well as your blueberry cake. Congratulation in finding what you were looking for;it can be so stressful; happy for you that it all worked out.

  9. Another yummy cake. Cherry and almond are a wonderful combination. Reminds me of afternoon tea with my grandmother when I was younger

  10. This looks so light and delicious. Glace cherries are not favourite so I have just checked out your apple and blueberry bake. I guess in Canada we would call it squares or a coffee cake as somebody else just said.

  11. mmm cherries, mmmm almonds, two of my favourite things and mmmm cake - how good does that look.

  12. Glad to know you have found your next port of call & all is well Marie! This looks like the perfect finish to your day.
    Millie ^_^

  13. Happy moving!!! I hope it all goes well for you. Must pop in for a visit when I am next visiting my rels ;0)

  14. I might have missed you crediting the author of this recipe, and if so I do apologise, but isn't this a Mary Berry recipe, and if so, shouldn't she be credited?

  15. Actually Anonymous this is a recipe that I got from one of those cheap baking books you buy in those bargain bookstores for a couple of pounds, They usually contain recipes from a variety of sources I believe. Sorry if you find this offensive as it's not meant to be.


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